SEO India

Aug 11
HTML 5 and SEO

HTML 5 and SEO

HTML 5 is still in the creating but for any SEO expert, who tries to look ahead, some knowledge about HTML 5 and how it will blow SEO is not unnecessary information. It is true that the changes and the new ideas in HTML 5 will impact Web developers and designers much more than SEO HTML 5 and SEO

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Aug 6
Youtube traffic

Youtube traffic

YouTube is one of the most popular sites and in addition to all the fun there, YouTube offers many opportunities for web promotion and getting traffic to your site. Similarly to Facebook and Twitter, in order to use YouTube successfully for promotion and getting traffic, you need to know the rules for this. Here are Youtube traffic

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Aug 3
Top 10 SEO Mistakes

Top 10 SEO Mistakes

1.       Targeting the wrong keywords This is a mistake a lot of people make and what is worse – even experienced SEO experts make it. People select keywords that in their mind are descriptive of their website but the average users just may not search them. For instance, if you have a Top 10 SEO Mistakes

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Aug 2
History of Search Engine Optimization

History of Search Engine Optimization

In the early days of the Internet, search engine optimization was a fairly easy affair. Webmasters (SEO professionals to you and me today) had a fairly straightforward job optimizing web sites. To rank for a keyword in a search engine, all that was necessary was to put them in the title, the keyword meta tag History of Search Engine Optimization

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Jul 28
3 Phases of Social Media SEO

3 Phases of Social Media SEO

As Google puts the squeeze on conventional ranking signals and subsequently, Search Engine Optimization tactics, the growing importance on social signals has a lot of SEO practitioners getting more serious about social engagement. While search marketing has been a key part of our asking practice since 2001, our Online Marketing agency’s work with Public Relations and blogging 3 Phases of Social Media SEO

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Jul 25
SEO India Pay Per Click Immediate traffic

SEO India Pay Per Click Immediate traffic

PPC will permit your add to hit the search engines very quickly, where organic SEO could take months to produce the same results. SEO India for your Services will help to increase your click-through rates by developing success-oriented ad groups and keywords for your website.   Pay per Click is the most cost-effective way to SEO India Pay Per Click Immediate traffic

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